
My Kind of Vet Ormeau (07) 5546 6756 | Mon – Fri (7:45am – 5:30pm)

Feline Health Preventatives

The most important approach to health is prevention, which is the key ingredient of any recipe to avoid disease and illness in any living being. In pets, prevention of severe conditions is also essential because it avoids extra costs with veterinary care and hospitalization.

Nowadays, technology in medicine and veterinary medicine has allowed the manufacture of many products, such as vaccinations and worming tablets, that promote longevity and quality of life. For example, parvovirus and heartworm disease were very common deadly conditions that now can be easily prevented.

Most vets use standard protocols, such as annual vaccinations and commercial dry food as a standard of care. We aim better than that! Every pet is a single individual, so we provide individualized treatment to your pet.

Our recommendations

Kitten Vaccination Protocol

  • 8 Weeks: F3* vaccination
  • 10 Weeks: FIV** vaccination
  • 12 Weeks: F3* + FIV** vaccination
  • Yearly: F3* + FIV** vaccination

* F3: Feline Rhinotracheitis virus, Feline Calicivirus and Panleucopenia Virus

** FIV: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Titre test:

  • Tests for Feline Rhinotracheitis virus, Feline Calicivirus and Panleucopenia Virus
  • Only tests the immunity the cat has at the moment of sampling, so we don’t know how long it’ll take to drop the titre, so not recommended to be done in kittens
  • We recommend it be done annually

Parasite Prevention Protocol

  • Advocate monthly
  • Fleas, intestinal worm, heart worm & mange (does prevent ticks)


  • Bravecto spot-on for cats (from 11 weeks of age, every 3 months)
  • Fleas and ticks


  • Milbemax + Popantel monthly (until 6 months of age, then every 3 months)
  • Intestinal worm


  • We usually recommend after 6 months of age for male and 4 months of age for female


  • Legal requirement in Queensland since July 2009. At 6 weeks of age.