
My Kind of Vet Ormeau (07) 5546 6756 | Mon – Fri (7:45am – 5:30pm)

Heartworm Prevention: Protecting Your Pet with the Right Approach

Protecting your pet from heartworm is essential. At My Kind of Vet, we’re here to guide you through the various prevention options and why consistent compliance is key, incorporating the latest recommendations from the American Heartworm Society.


Prevention Options:

  • Monthly Chewable Tablets: Convenient and palatable, these tablets protect against heartworm and often other parasites like intestinal worms and fleas. The American Heartworm Society emphasizes the importance of year-round administration to ensure continuous protection.
  • Topical Treatments: Applied to the skin, these treatments offer protection against heartworm and other external parasites. They are a good option for pets that are difficult to give oral medications to.
  • Injectable Prevention: A yearly or six monthly injection provides long-lasting protection, ensuring compliance. The American Heartworm Society acknowledges this method as a highly effective way to prevent heartworm, particularly for pet owners who struggle with monthly dosing.


What If My Pet Missed a Dose?

If you miss a dose of monthly prevention, contact your veterinarian immediately. They can advise you on the best course of action, which may include testing and restarting prevention. The American Heartworm Society advises that even a short lapse in prevention can leave your pet vulnerable to infection.


Why the Injection is the Best Option for Compliance:

The injectable prevention option offers peace of mind by eliminating the risk of missed doses. With a yearly or six monthly injection, you can be confident that your pet is protected. This is particularly beneficial for pet owners with busy lifestyles or those who find it challenging to administer monthly medications. The American Heartworm Society highlights that consistent prevention is the cornerstone of heartworm protection.


Why Should I Care?

Heartworm is a preventable disease. By taking proactive steps, you can save your pet from unnecessary suffering and potentially life-threatening complications. Consistent prevention also saves you the high costs of treatment. The American Heartworm Society stresses that prevention is far more cost-effective and less stressful than treatment.


Protecting Your Pet Long Term:

Regular veterinary check-ups and heartworm testing are vital, even when using preventative measures. The American Heartworm Society recommends annual heartworm testing for dogs, even those on year-round preventatives. In cats, testing is also recommended, especially before starting preventative medications. At My Kind of Vet, we’re dedicated to helping you keep your pet healthy, using the most up to date information and testing procedures.


Cat Heartworm Prevention:

It is important to remember that although dogs are more often diagnosed with Heartworm, that cats also need preventative medication. Cats are atypical hosts, so low worm burdens can cause severe disease. There is no approved treatment for feline heartworm, making prevention even more important.



Choosing the right prevention method and ensuring consistent compliance are crucial for protecting your pet from heartworm. Consult with us at My Kind of Vet to determine the best approach for your furry friend. We will provide personalized advice based on your pet’s lifestyle, risk factors, and your preferences, and always follow the most up to date guidelines from the American Heartworm Society.